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W13: Transitions in Marriage – In-Law Relations

When I was married at the age of 21, I immediately gained two additional parents, six new siblings, 4 siblings-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.  This meant that I was now part of a family with over 20 members, and it was growing rapidly!  In the early days of my marriage I assumed a “happily ever after” attitude in which I supposed that all of these different people with different backgrounds would get along as one big happy group.  I soon grew to realize that that isn’t always the case, and that a lot of adjusting and compromise would be necessary for us all to get along with each other.  Fortunately for me, the family members on both sides were kind and helpful to my husband and me as we navigated the new territory of becoming our own little family.  But for some, the transition to living with and learning to love their in-laws can be a difficult one. image via: Deseret News It Takes a Village As the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child.  And when

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